We often see escalators that are out of order due to regular repairs or checks. These types of checks are important to ensure there are no operating problems and to prevent future accidents. Despite the importance of choosing the necessary parts for this type of machines, there are guidelines you can follow to use them correctly, which we explain below:
→ Use the correct lane. Remember that on the escalators, the right lane is considered the “slow lane” while the left lane is taken by those who wish to walk and go faster. If you’re in a hurry, take the left lane, if you’d rather wait for the escalator to take you, use the right one.
→ Hold on to your long clothes so you don’t drag them. Don’t let your scarf, coat or any other item touch the ground as they can get caught on the escalator and cause an accident.
→ Don’t sit on the steps or the handrail. You can cause an accident and fall as well as annoy the rest of the people who are using the escalators. Also, be careful with your shoes if you’re wearing flip-flops, they might also get caught on to the escalator.
→ If you’re carrying many items or have limited mobility, use the lift. It’s safer and more comfortable to use the lift since, in addition to having more space, you’ll be safer.
→ Don’t let children go on it on their own. If you’re with children, don’t let them on the escalators by themselves as they may fall or cause an accident due to not knowing how to use them.
In addition to these guidelines, it’s important to perform maintenance controls on this type of mechanisms since the day to day of many people depend on them working properly. Metro networks, airports, supermarkets and many more places have escalators. If you have questions regarding the necessary parts for their proper operation, don’t hesitate to get in touch.